"Failed to Pair Key" Error: When it Occurs Early in the Program

This error will occasionally occur if the key was not inserted into the ignition and turned to ON position before trying to communicate with the car. This will happen early in the programming process on the first attempt to communicate with the car.

Put the key in and turn the ignition to the ON position and hit "retry" on the app to attempt communication again.

Other possibilities that may cause this error are:

  1. A dead or too-low of a charge vehicle battery
  2. A dead battery in their smart key or fobik
  3. The EZ installer may not be fully connected
  4. The port the EZ installer is connected to may have a problem
  5. There could be a Bluetooth or Wi-fi/Mobile data connection problem 

After verifying all of these are not the cause of the issue and it persists then contact Customer Support: 877-445-3953